Summer Holidays Planning


Along with some of our activities below, we have some exciting workshops this year!

Wednesday the 24th July – Scott Poleykett and his Circus Skills Workshop

Tuesday 30th July– The Great Baldini, a local Magician

WC 5th August- A trip will be planned one day this week. TBC

Weds 7th August- Tony’s Origami Workshop.

Monday 12th August – Athlete visit. Kylie Grimes, 3x Paralympian and Gold Medallist in wheelchair rugby will be joining Moose to talk about healthy eating, fitness, career and personal challenges. There will be an opportunity after the fitness circuit for the children to ask Kylie questions and take pictures.

Thursday 15th August – We have the Explorer Dome coming to visit where the children will be able to learn about space whilst in a portable dome!

WC 19th August – A trip will be planned one day this week. TBC

Wednesday 28th August – The Great Baldini, a local Magician

Craft activities;

⦁ Olympic Torches
⦁ Trophies
⦁ DIY garden stepping stones
⦁ No-sew sock caterpillars
⦁ Rain Shakers
⦁ DIY Drums
⦁ Beaded Wind Chimes
⦁ Bird Feeders
⦁ Salt dough/cloud dough
⦁ Galaxy Jars
⦁ Paper Chain animals
⦁ Lollipop stick animals
⦁ clay coasters
⦁ melted bead suncatchers
⦁ Flying Hot Air Balloon Craft
⦁ 3D Raining Clouds
⦁ Cardboard Box Aquariums
⦁ Smoothies
⦁ Fruit Ice Lollies
⦁ Cookies and Cream Pudding Pots
⦁ Roasted Marshmallows (BBQ)

⦁ Moose BBQ
⦁ Moose Olympics
⦁ ‘Car Wash’ Obstacle Course
⦁ Water Balloon Target Game
⦁ Balloon Tennis
⦁ Water Fight 

We will confirm dates/days of trips closer to the time as we are always dependent on weather!

The activity list above comprises of some of our plans for the summer. We have an extensive list where children will be able to choose their desired activity/craft when attending Moose.

Please note that we are a child led setting and children can request which activity they would like to do on a daily basis. Although we plan, it is a loose plan and we encourage children to request activities themselves to offer them a choice and for children to gain the maximum experience in Moose.