Moose Newsletter

Dear Parents Carers,

We hope you are enjoying the summer so far?

I want to touch base with you regarding the waiting list for Term 1. If you are on the waiting list and no longer require Moose, please get in touch with us. Some of you may have seen some changes to your bookings as I have been tending to the waiting list. If you do not require the sessions that have been booked, please contact myself as soon as possible so the spaces can be allocated to other families.

We will be opening Term 2 for Moose bookings on Thursday 8th August at 7pm. This will enable us to have a clearer picture of the childcare demand until the Christmas break whilst also giving you the opportunity to source other childcare provision, with plenty of time, just in case you aren’t able to secure a place in Moose.

We are recruiting so do please send our ad out to family and friends who are interested in working in childcare.

Should we receive applicants and hire, we will of course extend our numbers.

SUMMER- We have had a great start to our summer with activities, a circus workshop, a magician and tomorrow an Origami workshop. We still have availability for some sessions over the holidays, including the 15th August, where we also have the Explorer Dome workshop coming in to give the children an insight into space via the large blow up dome. This is an exciting opportunity for your child/children to learn about space so do contact us if this would be of interest.

You can find a list of our summer activities/workshops via our Moose website.

Please note that the system will not enable parents to book a session in under 7 days. We do sometimes have availability so if you are unable to book a session that you require, do contact us.

NEW PARENTS- Over the next week you will find the registration fee will be applied to your account.

Any questions regarding any of this information, do please contact myself.

Best wishes


Updated 06/08/2024